viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014



The learner needs depends basically on the age because between adults, teenagers and children differ on their goals, expectations and also have different learning styles at the moment of learning a language. Teachers need to pay attention to the learner needs because all of them can affect to students in the classroom. So teachers have to be careful when they choose an strategy or a topic to teach, because it must be according with the level of students and cover different interaction patterns to share their ideas among the class and the pace should be suitable to the level. If teachers focus their attention in the learner needs they could develop a variety of activities where students integrate their four skills. the best strategy here is CLIL (Content and Language Integrate Learning) because teacher has to prioritaze relevant information for students and through motivation they can get the students'attention. We as professionals can cover personal, professional and learning needs, if we use the right approach to teaching. 
First, at the beginning of the class, teacher should ask what are the expectations for the course and from that, teacher should plan the following classes. Second, teacher should try to role-plays, and interview to have interaction patterns and see how students develop in some situations.

Watch this video to know five general needs for students

  YouTube,. (2014). 5 Student Needs. Retrieved 6 December 2014, from

Analize this graphic organizer about students' needs.,. (2014). Learning and Training Needs Assessments in Instructional Design. Retrieved 6 December 2014, from

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